Browsing history
- Contacts
- Abbreviations
- 24. Fee and Commission Income and Expense
- Message from CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board
- 33. Contingencies and Commitments
- Message from Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Bank Profile
- 3. Basis of Preparation and Significant Accounting Policies
- Executive Board
- Branch reformatting
- Improving quality and reducing queues
- How does the bank address stakeholder interests?
- Interview
- Interactive analysis
- 39. Principal Subsidiaries
- Contents of the Report
- About the CSR Report
- General trends
- Corporate lending
- 3. Basis of Preparation and Significant Accounting Policies
- Corporate and Investment Business
- Retail deposits
- DenizBank
- Macro Developments and Banking System Trends in Russia
- Securities portfolio
- Supervisory Board
- Capital adequacy
- 22. Share Capital and Treasury Shares
- 36. Transferred financial assets and assets held or pledged as collateral
- 9. Securities Designated at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
- 17. Due to Individuals and Corporate Customers
- 13. Investment Securities Held to Maturity
- 8. Trading securities
- Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
- Consolidated Financial Statement
- Members of the supervisory board elected on june 1, 2012
- Management committees
- Notes to consolidated financial statements
- 28. Income Taxes
- Small Business Support
- 34. Derivative Financial Instruments
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Independent auditors’ report
- Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
- Sberbank - Annual Report 2012
- Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
- Consolidated Financial Statement
- Financial Report
- Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
- Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
- Management Report
- Consolidated Income Statement
- Glossary
- Sberbank Belarus (SBB)
- Risk Management
- Report Boundary
- The bank’s Primary Brands
- Feedback
- Management responsibility statement
- Management report
- General Shareholders’ Meeting
- General trends
- Structure of Sberbank Group’s Assets under IFRS
- 22. Share Capital and Treasury Shares
- Message from CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board
- 31. Segment Analysis
- 21. Subordinated Debt
- How We Manage Business
- 37. Related Party Transactions
- Ensuring availability of financial services
- Work Places for The Disabled People
- Contributing to Economic Growth and Business Development
- Corporate Governance
- Bank staff by Age
- 37. Related Party Transactions
- 5. Adoption of New or Revised Standards and Interpretations
- 30. Dividends
- Notes to consolidated financial statements
- 35. Fair Value of Financial Instruments
- Service channels
- General banking IT projects
- Financial Results of Key Subsidiaries
- 23. Interest Income and Expense
- 25. Net Gains Arising from Trading in Foreign Currencies, Operations with Foreign Currency Derivatives and Foreign Exchange Translation Gains
- Corporate business IT platforms
- 18. Debt Securities in Issue
- Opening Statement
- Bank staff by Type of Employment
- Financial Results of Key Subsidiaries
- Compliance
- Social Dimension of Our Business
- Development of IT platforms
- 15. Other Assets
- 4. Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgements in Applying Accounting Policies
- 20. Other Liabilities
- 16. Due to Banks
- 29. Earnings per Share
- 10. Loans and Advances to Customers
- Dynamics of Sberbank Group’s key figures over the past five years in accordance with IFRS
- 32. Financial Risk Management
- Customer deposits
- 17. Due to Individuals and Corporate Customers
- 25. Net Gains Arising from Trading in Foreign Currencies, Operations with Foreign Currency Derivatives and Foreign Exchange Translation Gains
- Bank staff by Education
- 11. Securities Pledged under Repurchase Agreements
- 34. Derivative Financial Instruments
- 29. Earnings per Share
- 33. Contingencies and Commitments
- Shareholder and Investor Cooperation
- Group IFRS Income statement
- Supervisory Board committees
- 40. Capital Adequacy Ratio
- 38. Operations with State-Controlled Entities and Government Bodies
- Lending
- Structure of Sberbank Group’s Liabilities and Equity under IFRS
- Opening Statement
- 24. Fee and Commission Income and Expense
- Average staffing number
- CSR and Business: Our Approach
- Investing in Human Capital
- Financial Review
- Corporate Benefits
- 38. Operations with State-Controlled Entities and Government Bodies
- 7. Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Contributing to creating legal environment
- Governing Bodies
- Share Capital
- Socially oriented products
- 23. Interest Income and Expense
- Our mission
- Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
- Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
- Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
- Consolidated Income Statement
- 41. Subsequent Events
- International Standards’ Application
- Transaction services and fee income
- Actual Headcount of the Bank
- 13. Investment Securities Held to Maturity
- Investment banking business
- 31. Segment Analysis
- Own Environmental Impact
- 28. Income Taxes
- Net interest income
- Financial literacy
- 9. Securities Designated at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
- Interest income
- 27. Operating Expenses
- Collegium
- Personnel Training
- 7. Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Corporate deposits
- 19. Other Borrowed Funds
- Credit quality
- 40. Capital Adequacy Ratio
- Motivation and Compensation of Employees
- 21. Subordinated Debt
- Report on payment of declared and accrued dividends
- Debt securities issued
- Injury Rate
- 20. Other Liabilities
- Sberbank Ukraine (SBU)
- Other Initiatives
- 2. Operating Environment of the Group
- 6. New Accounting Pronouncements
- 10. Loans and Advances to Customers
- Independent auditors’ report
- 11. Securities Pledged under Repurchase Agreements
- Interest expense
- Gains from foreign exchange operations
- 4. Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgements in Applying Accounting Policies
- 6. New Accounting Pronouncements
- Bank staff by Gender
- 1. Introduction
- Employee Turnover
- Sberbank Europe (SBE)
- The Bank’s Development
- 5. Adoption of New or Revised Standards and Interpretations
- 26. Net income/(expenses) of non-core business activities
- 8. Trading securities
- 36. Transferred financial assets and assets held or pledged as collateral
- 14. Premises and Equipment
- Bank Awards in 2012
- 12. Investment Securities Available for Sale
- 41. Subsequent Events
- Operating expenses
- Title
- Centralization of middle and back office functions
- Interview
- Loans and advances to customers
- Our values
- Financial results from operations with securities
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Operating Environment of the Group
- 27. Operating Expenses
- 18. Debt Securities in Issue
- Sberbank Kazakhstan (SBK)
- 35. Fair Value of Financial Instruments
- Equity
- 16. Due to Banks
- 26. Net income/(expenses) of non-core business activities
- Remuneration of members of the bank’s governing bodies
- 39. Principal Subsidiaries
- 30. Dividends
- 32. Financial Risk Management
- 19. Other Borrowed Funds
- 15. Other Assets
- 14. Premises and Equipment
- 12. Investment Securities Available for Sale
- Bank profile
- Safety of banking products and transactions
- Supplements
- Securities Portfolio and Capital Markets Funding
- Fee and commission income/expense
- Future Development
- Retail Business
- Development of procurement system
- Sponsorship and Charity
- General trends
- The bank's Mission and CSR
- Retail business IT platforms
- Search