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23. Interest Income and Expense

In billions of Russian Roubles 2012 2011
Interest income
Interest income on financial assets carried at amortised cost and on financial assets available for sale:
  • Loans and advances to customers
1,037.4 741.8
  • Debt investment securities available for sale
76.8 67.4
  • Debt investment securities held to maturity
28.9 26.8
  • Due from banks
6.0 6.9
  • Correspondent accounts with banks
0.7 0.1
1,149.8 843.0
Interest income on financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss:
  • Debt trading securities
5.7 4.0
  • Debt securities designated at fair value through profit or loss
1.6 3.6
  • Other interest income
7.5 7.6
Total interest income 1,157.3 850.6
Interest expense
Term deposits of individuals (230.6) (186.2)
Term deposits of legal entities (73.1) (26.0)
Term placements of banks (45.4) (5.0)
Debt securities in issue (25.1) (12.8)
Subordinated debt (20.9) (19.5)
Current/settlement accounts of legal entities (16.7) (10.5)
Current/demand accounts of individuals (8.0) (4.7)
Other borrowed funds (6.9) (4.2)
Correspondent accounts of banks (1.2) (0.6)
Other interest expense (0.7)
Total interest expense (428.6) (269.5)
Deposit insurance expenses (23.9) (20.1)
Total interest expense including deposit insurance expenses (452.5) (289.6)
Net interest income 704.8 561,0
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