
А.V. Danilov-Danilian
Chairman of the Committee on cooperation
with the bank minority shareholders

In 2012, the Committee on cooperation with Sberbank of Russia minority shareholders conducted the survey of the Supervisory Board independent members on a number of criteria characterizing the quality of their own activity and the Supervisory Board activity in general. The results were presented to shareholders at the Annual meeting. Further the committee hopes that the obtained results will be taken as a basis for carrying out assessment of the Supervisory board with involvement of the independent consultant. Perhaps, it is the most important task resolved by the committee in 2012.

As a whole it would be desirable to state the developed good level of the relations of committee with representatives of management and Supervisory board members, efficiency of receiving from them of answers to inquiries, openness of the dialogue, adequate level of self-criticism and readiness to bring improvements in the work.

Among the committee short-term plans is the consideration of issues that are most important for Sberbank shareholders. Let’s mention the core ones: about the activities of the bank retail, corporate and investment blocks, about the Credit Factory performance results, about new strategy of development, about the issues of the bank business-model sustainability under the conditions of persisting uncertainty at the world financial markets and weakness of the non-oil-and-gas sector of the Russian economy.

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